driver.get("https://selenium.dev")//Longer way
Pressing the browser’s back button:
Pressing the browser’s forward button:
Refresh the current page:
2 - JavaScript alerts, prompts and confirmations
WebDriver provides an API for working with the three types of native
popup messages offered by JavaScript. These popups are styled by the
browser and offer limited customisation.
The simplest of these is referred to as an alert, which shows a
custom message, and a single button which dismisses the alert, labelled
in most browsers as OK. It can also be dismissed in most browsers by
pressing the close button, but this will always do the same thing as
the OK button. See an example alert.
WebDriver can get the text from the popup and accept or dismiss these
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See an example alert")).click();//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
Alertalert=wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());//Store the alert text in a variable
Stringtext=alert.getText();//Press the OK button
# Click the link to activate the alertdriver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT,"See an example alert").click()# Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variablealert=wait.until(expected_conditions.alert_is_present())# Store the alert text in a variabletext=alert.text# Press the OK buttonalert.accept()
//Click the link to activate the alertdriver.FindElement(By.LinkText("See an example alert")).Click();//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variableIAlertalert=wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent());//Store the alert text in a variablestringtext=alert.Text;//Press the OK buttonalert.Accept();
# Click the link to activate the alertdriver.find_element(:link_text,'See an example alert').click# Store the alert reference in a variablealert=driver.switch_to.alert# Store the alert text in a variablealert_text=alert.text# Press on OK buttonalert.accept
//Click the link to activate the alert
awaitdriver.findElement(By.linkText('See an example alert')).click();// Wait for the alert to be displayed
awaitdriver.wait(until.alertIsPresent());// Store the alert in a variable
letalert=awaitdriver.switchTo().alert();//Store the alert text in a variable
letalertText=awaitalert.getText();//Press the OK button
awaitalert.accept();// Note: To use await, the above code should be inside an async function
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See an example alert")).click()//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
valalert=wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())//Store the alert text in a variable
valtext=alert.getText()//Press the OK button
A confirm box is similar to an alert, except the user can also choose
to cancel the message. See
a sample confirm.
This example also shows a different approach to storing an alert:
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample confirm")).click();//Wait for the alert to be displayed
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());//Store the alert in a variable
Alertalert=driver.switchTo().alert();//Store the alert in a variable for reuse
Stringtext=alert.getText();//Press the Cancel button
# Click the link to activate the alertdriver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT,"See a sample confirm").click()# Wait for the alert to be displayedwait.until(expected_conditions.alert_is_present())# Store the alert in a variable for reusealert=driver.switch_to.alert# Store the alert text in a variabletext=alert.text# Press the Cancel buttonalert.dismiss()
//Click the link to activate the alertdriver.FindElement(By.LinkText("See a sample confirm")).Click();//Wait for the alert to be displayedwait.Until(ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent());//Store the alert in a variableIAlertalert=driver.SwitchTo().Alert();//Store the alert in a variable for reusestringtext=alert.Text;//Press the Cancel buttonalert.Dismiss();
# Click the link to activate the alertdriver.find_element(:link_text,'See a sample confirm').click# Store the alert reference in a variablealert=driver.switch_to.alert# Store the alert text in a variablealert_text=alert.text# Press on Cancel buttonalert.dismiss
//Click the link to activate the alert
awaitdriver.findElement(By.linkText('See a sample confirm')).click();// Wait for the alert to be displayed
awaitdriver.wait(until.alertIsPresent());// Store the alert in a variable
letalert=awaitdriver.switchTo().alert();//Store the alert text in a variable
letalertText=awaitalert.getText();//Press the Cancel button
awaitalert.dismiss();// Note: To use await, the above code should be inside an async function
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample confirm")).click()//Wait for the alert to be displayed
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())//Store the alert in a variable
valalert=driver.switchTo().alert()//Store the alert in a variable for reuse
valtext=alert.text//Press the Cancel button
Prompts are similar to confirm boxes, except they also include a text
input. Similar to working with form elements, you can use WebDriver’s
send keys to fill in a response. This will completely replace the placeholder
text. Pressing the cancel button will not submit any text.
See a sample prompt.
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample prompt")).click();//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
Alertalert=wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());//Type your message
alert.sendKeys("Selenium");//Press the OK button
# Click the link to activate the alertdriver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT,"See a sample prompt").click()# Wait for the alert to be displayedwait.until(expected_conditions.alert_is_present())# Store the alert in a variable for reusealert=Alert(driver)# Type your messagealert.send_keys("Selenium")# Press the OK buttonalert.accept()
//Click the link to activate the alertdriver.FindElement(By.LinkText("See a sample prompt")).Click();//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variableIAlertalert=wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent());//Type your messagealert.SendKeys("Selenium");//Press the OK buttonalert.Accept();
# Click the link to activate the alertdriver.find_element(:link_text,'See a sample prompt').click# Store the alert reference in a variablealert=driver.switch_to.alert# Type a messagealert.send_keys("selenium")# Press on Ok buttonalert.accept
//Click the link to activate the alert
awaitdriver.findElement(By.linkText('See a sample prompt')).click();// Wait for the alert to be displayed
awaitdriver.wait(until.alertIsPresent());// Store the alert in a variable
letalert=awaitdriver.switchTo().alert();//Type your message
awaitalert.sendKeys("Selenium");//Press the OK button
awaitalert.accept();//Note: To use await, the above code should be inside an async function
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample prompt")).click()//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
valalert=wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())//Type your message
alert.sendKeys("Selenium")//Press the OK button
3 - Working with cookies
A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent from a website and stored in your computer.
Cookies are mostly used to recognise the user and load the stored information.
WebDriver API provides a way to interact with cookies with built-in methods:
Add Cookie
It is used to add a cookie to the current browsing context.
Add Cookie only accepts a set of defined serializable JSON object. Here
is the link to the list of accepted JSON key values
First of all, you need to be on the domain that the cookie will be
valid for. If you are trying to preset cookies before
you start interacting with a site and your homepage is large / takes a while to load
an alternative is to find a smaller page on the site (typically the 404 page is small,
e.g. http://example.com/some404page)
importorg.openqa.selenium.*;importorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;publicclassaddCookie{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){WebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{driver.get("http://www.example.com");// Adds the cookie into current browser context
fromseleniumimportwebdriverdriver=webdriver.Chrome()driver.get("http://www.example.com")# Adds the cookie into current browser contextdriver.add_cookie({"name":"key","value":"value"})
usingOpenQA.Selenium;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;namespaceAddCookie{classAddCookie{publicstaticvoidMain(string[]args){IWebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{// Navigate to Urldriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://example.com");// Adds the cookie into current browser contextdriver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(newCookie("key","value"));}finally{driver.Quit();}}}}
require'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://www.example.com'# Adds the cookie into current browser contextdriver.manage.add_cookie(name:"key",value:"value")ensuredriver.quitend
it('Create a cookie',asyncfunction(){awaitdriver.get('https://www.example.com');// set a cookie on the current domain
importorg.openqa.selenium.Cookieimportorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverfunmain(){valdriver=ChromeDriver()try{driver.get("https://example.com")// Adds the cookie into current browser context
Get Named Cookie
It returns the serialized cookie data matching with the cookie name among all associated cookies.
importorg.openqa.selenium.*;importorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;publicclassgetCookieNamed{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){WebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{driver.get("http://www.example.com");driver.manage().addCookie(newCookie("foo","bar"));// Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
fromseleniumimportwebdriverdriver=webdriver.Chrome()# Navigate to urldriver.get("http://www.example.com")# Adds the cookie into current browser contextdriver.add_cookie({"name":"foo","value":"bar"})# Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'print(driver.get_cookie("foo"))
usingOpenQA.Selenium;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;namespaceGetCookieNamed{classGetCookieNamed{publicstaticvoidMain(string[]args){IWebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{// Navigate to Urldriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://example.com");driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(newCookie("foo","bar"));// Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'varcookie=driver.Manage().Cookies.GetCookieNamed("foo");System.Console.WriteLine(cookie);}finally{driver.Quit();}}}}
require'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://www.example.com'driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"foo",value:"bar")# Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'putsdriver.manage.cookie_named('foo')ensuredriver.quitend
it('Read cookie',asyncfunction(){awaitdriver.get('https://www.example.com');// set a cookie on the current domain
awaitdriver.manage().addCookie({name:'foo',value:'bar'});// Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
awaitdriver.manage().getCookie('foo').then(function(cookie){console.log('cookie details => ',cookie);});
importorg.openqa.selenium.Cookieimportorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverfunmain(){valdriver=ChromeDriver()try{driver.get("https://example.com")driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("foo","bar"))// Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
Get All Cookies
It returns a ‘successful serialized cookie data’ for current browsing context.
If browser is no longer available it returns error.
importorg.openqa.selenium.*;importorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;importjava.util.Set;publicclassgetAllCookies{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){WebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{driver.get("http://www.example.com");// Add few cookies
driver.manage().addCookie(newCookie("test1","cookie1"));driver.manage().addCookie(newCookie("test2","cookie2"));// Get All available cookies
fromseleniumimportwebdriverdriver=webdriver.Chrome()# Navigate to urldriver.get("http://www.example.com")driver.add_cookie({"name":"test1","value":"cookie1"})driver.add_cookie({"name":"test2","value":"cookie2"})# Get all available cookiesprint(driver.get_cookies())
usingOpenQA.Selenium;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;namespaceGetAllCookies{classGetAllCookies{publicstaticvoidMain(string[]args){IWebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{// Navigate to Urldriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://example.com");driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(newCookie("test1","cookie1"));driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(newCookie("test2","cookie2"));// Get All available cookiesvarcookies=driver.Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;}finally{driver.Quit();}}}}
require'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://www.example.com'driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"test1",value:"cookie1")driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"test2",value:"cookie2")# Get all available cookiesputsdriver.manage.all_cookiesensuredriver.quitend
it('Read all cookies',asyncfunction(){awaitdriver.get('https://www.example.com');// Add few cookies
awaitdriver.manage().addCookie({name:'test1',value:'cookie1'});awaitdriver.manage().addCookie({name:'test2',value:'cookie2'});// Get all Available cookies
awaitdriver.manage().getCookies().then(function(cookies){console.log('cookie details => ',cookies);});
importorg.openqa.selenium.Cookieimportorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverfunmain(){valdriver=ChromeDriver()try{driver.get("https://example.com")driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test1","cookie1"))driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test2","cookie2"))// Get All available cookies
Delete Cookie
It deletes the cookie data matching with the provided cookie name.
importorg.openqa.selenium.*;importorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;publicclassdeleteCookie{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){WebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{driver.get("http://www.example.com");driver.manage().addCookie(newCookie("test1","cookie1"));Cookiecookie1=newCookie("test2","cookie2");driver.manage().addCookie(cookie1);// delete a cookie with name 'test1'
Selenium Java bindings also provides a way to delete
cookie by passing cookie object of current browsing context
fromseleniumimportwebdriverdriver=webdriver.Chrome()# Navigate to urldriver.get("http://www.example.com")driver.add_cookie({"name":"test1","value":"cookie1"})driver.add_cookie({"name":"test2","value":"cookie2"})# Delete a cookie with name 'test1'driver.delete_cookie("test1")
usingOpenQA.Selenium;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;namespaceDeleteCookie{classDeleteCookie{publicstaticvoidMain(string[]args){IWebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{// Navigate to Urldriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://example.com");driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(newCookie("test1","cookie1"));varcookie=newCookie("test2","cookie2");driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(cookie);// delete a cookie with name 'test1' driver.Manage().Cookies.DeleteCookieNamed("test1");// Selenium .net bindings also provides a way to delete// cookie by passing cookie object of current browsing contextdriver.Manage().Cookies.DeleteCookie(cookie);}finally{driver.Quit();}}}}
require'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://www.example.com'driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"test1",value:"cookie1")driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"test2",value:"cookie2")# delete a cookie with name 'test1'driver.manage.delete_cookie('test1')ensuredriver.quitend
it('Delete a cookie',asyncfunction(){awaitdriver.get('https://www.example.com');// Add few cookies
awaitdriver.manage().addCookie({name:'test1',value:'cookie1'});awaitdriver.manage().addCookie({name:'test2',value:'cookie2'});// Delete a cookie with name 'test1'
awaitdriver.manage().deleteCookie('test1');// Get all Available cookies
awaitdriver.manage().getCookies().then(function(cookies){console.log('cookie details => ',cookies);});
importorg.openqa.selenium.Cookieimportorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverfunmain(){valdriver=ChromeDriver()try{driver.get("https://example.com")driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test1","cookie1"))valcookie1=Cookie("test2","cookie2")driver.manage().addCookie(cookie1)// delete a cookie with name 'test1'
driver.manage().deleteCookieNamed("test1")// delete cookie by passing cookie object of current browsing context.
Delete All Cookies
It deletes all the cookies of the current browsing context.
importorg.openqa.selenium.*;importorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;publicclassdeleteAllCookies{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){WebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{driver.get("http://www.example.com");driver.manage().addCookie(newCookie("test1","cookie1"));driver.manage().addCookie(newCookie("test2","cookie2"));// deletes all cookies
fromseleniumimportwebdriverdriver=webdriver.Chrome()# Navigate to urldriver.get("http://www.example.com")driver.add_cookie({"name":"test1","value":"cookie1"})driver.add_cookie({"name":"test2","value":"cookie2"})# Deletes all cookiesdriver.delete_all_cookies()
usingOpenQA.Selenium;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;namespaceDeleteAllCookies{classDeleteAllCookies{publicstaticvoidMain(string[]args){IWebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();try{// Navigate to Urldriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("https://example.com");driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(newCookie("test1","cookie1"));driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(newCookie("test2","cookie2"));// deletes all cookiesdriver.Manage().Cookies.DeleteAllCookies();}finally{driver.Quit();}}}}
require'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://www.example.com'driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"test1",value:"cookie1")driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"test2",value:"cookie2")# deletes all cookiesdriver.manage.delete_all_cookiesensuredriver.quitend
it('Delete all cookies',asyncfunction(){awaitdriver.get('https://www.example.com');// Add few cookies
awaitdriver.manage().addCookie({name:'test1',value:'cookie1'});awaitdriver.manage().addCookie({name:'test2',value:'cookie2'});// Delete all cookies
importorg.openqa.selenium.Cookieimportorg.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriverfunmain(){valdriver=ChromeDriver()try{driver.get("https://example.com")driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test1","cookie1"))driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test2","cookie2"))// deletes all cookies
Same-Site Cookie Attribute
It allows a user to instruct browsers to control whether cookies
are sent along with the request initiated by third party sites.
It is introduced to prevent CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.
Same-Site cookie attribute accepts two parameters as instructions
When the sameSite attribute is set as Strict,
the cookie will not be sent along with
requests initiated by third party websites.
When you set a cookie sameSite attribute to Lax,
the cookie will be sent along with the GET
request initiated by third party website.
Note: As of now this feature is landed in chrome(80+version),
Firefox(79+version) and works with Selenium 4 and later versions.
fromseleniumimportwebdriverdriver=webdriver.Chrome()driver.get("http://www.example.com")# Adds the cookie into current browser context with sameSite 'Strict' (or) 'Lax'driver.add_cookie({"name":"foo","value":"value",'sameSite':'Strict'})driver.add_cookie({"name":"foo1","value":"value",'sameSite':'Lax'})cookie1=driver.get_cookie('foo')cookie2=driver.get_cookie('foo1')print(cookie1)print(cookie2)
require'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://www.example.com'# Adds the cookie into current browser context with sameSite 'Strict' (or) 'Lax'driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"foo",value:"bar",same_site:"Strict")driver.manage.add_cookie(name:"foo1",value:"bar",same_site:"Lax")putsdriver.manage.cookie_named('foo')putsdriver.manage.cookie_named('foo1')ensuredriver.quitend
it('Create cookies with sameSite',asyncfunction(){awaitdriver.get('https://www.example.com');// set a cookie on the current domain with sameSite 'Strict' (or) 'Lax'
Frames are a now deprecated means of building a site layout from
multiple documents on the same domain. You are unlikely to work with
them unless you are working with an pre HTML5 webapp. Iframes allow
the insertion of a document from an entirely different domain, and are
still commonly used.
If you need to work with frames or iframes, WebDriver allows you to
work with them in the same way. Consider a button within an iframe.
If we inspect the element using the browser development tools, we might
see the following:
# This won't workdriver.find_element(:tag_name,'button').click
// This won't work
//This won't work
However, if there are no buttons outside of the iframe, you might
instead get a no such element error. This happens because Selenium is
only aware of the elements in the top level document. To interact with
the button, we will need to first switch to the frame, in a similar way
to how we switch windows. WebDriver offers three ways of switching to
a frame.
Using a WebElement
Switching using a WebElement is the most flexible option. You can
find the frame using your preferred selector and switch to it.
//Store the web element
WebElementiframe=driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#modal>iframe"));//Switch to the frame
driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);//Now we can click the button
# Store iframe web elementiframe=driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,"#modal > iframe")# switch to selected iframedriver.switch_to.frame(iframe)# Now click on buttondriver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME,'button').click()
//Store the web elementIWebElementiframe=driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#modal>iframe"));//Switch to the framedriver.SwitchTo().Frame(iframe);//Now we can click the buttondriver.FindElement(By.TagName("button")).Click();
# Store iframe web elementiframe=driver.find_element(:css,'#modal > iframe')# Switch to the framedriver.switch_to.frameiframe# Now, Click on the buttondriver.find_element(:tag_name,'button').click
// Store the web element
constiframe=driver.findElement(By.css('#modal > iframe'));// Switch to the frame
awaitdriver.switchTo().frame(iframe);// Now we can click the button
//Store the web element
valiframe=driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#modal>iframe"))//Switch to the frame
driver.switchTo().frame(iframe)//Now we can click the button
Using a name or ID
If your frame or iframe has an id or name attribute, this can be used
instead. If the name or ID is not unique on the page, then the first
one found will be switched to.
//Using the ID
driver.switchTo().frame("buttonframe");//Or using the name instead
driver.switchTo().frame("myframe");//Now we can click the button
# Switch frame by iddriver.switch_to.frame('buttonframe')# Now, Click on the buttondriver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME,'button').click()
//Using the IDdriver.SwitchTo().Frame("buttonframe");//Or using the name insteaddriver.SwitchTo().Frame("myframe");//Now we can click the buttondriver.FindElement(By.TagName("button")).Click();
# Switch by IDdriver.switch_to.frame'buttonframe'# Now, Click on the buttondriver.find_element(:tag_name,'button').click
// Using the ID
awaitdriver.switchTo().frame('buttonframe');// Or using the name instead
awaitdriver.switchTo().frame('myframe');// Now we can click the button
//Using the ID
driver.switchTo().frame("buttonframe")//Or using the name instead
driver.switchTo().frame("myframe")//Now we can click the button
Using an index
It is also possible to use the index of the frame, such as can be
queried using window.frames in JavaScript.
// Switches to the second frame
# Switch to the second framedriver.switch_to.frame(1)
// Switches to the second framedriver.SwitchTo().Frame(1);
# switching to second iframe based on indexiframe=driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME,'iframe')[1]# switch to selected iframedriver.switch_to.frame(iframe)
// Switches to the second frame
// Switches to the second frame
Leaving a frame
To leave an iframe or frameset, switch back to the default content
like so:
// Return to the top level
# switch back to default contentdriver.switch_to.default_content()
// Return to the top leveldriver.SwitchTo().DefaultContent();
# Return to the top leveldriver.switch_to.default_content
// Return to the top level
// Return to the top level
5 - Working with windows and tabs
Windows and tabs
Get window handle
WebDriver does not make the distinction between windows and tabs. If
your site opens a new tab or window, Selenium will let you work with it
using a window handle. Each window has a unique identifier which remains
persistent in a single session. You can get the window handle of the
current window by using:
Switching windows or tabs
Clicking a link which opens in a
new window
will focus the new window or tab on screen, but WebDriver will not know which
window the Operating System considers active. To work with the new window
you will need to switch to it. If you have only two tabs or windows open,
and you know which window you start with, by the process of elimination
you can loop over both windows or tabs that WebDriver can see, and switch
to the one which is not the original.
However, Selenium 4 provides a new api NewWindow
which creates a new tab (or) new window and automatically switches to it.
//Store the ID of the original window
StringoriginalWindow=driver.getWindowHandle();//Check we don't have other windows open already
assertdriver.getWindowHandles().size()==1;//Click the link which opens in a new window
driver.findElement(By.linkText("new window")).click();//Wait for the new window or tab
wait.until(numberOfWindowsToBe(2));//Loop through until we find a new window handle
for(StringwindowHandle:driver.getWindowHandles()){if(!originalWindow.contentEquals(windowHandle)){driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle);break;}}//Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
wait.until(titleIs("Selenium documentation"));
fromseleniumimportwebdriverfromselenium.webdriver.support.uiimportWebDriverWaitfromselenium.webdriver.supportimportexpected_conditionsasECwithwebdriver.Firefox()asdriver:# Open URLdriver.get("https://seleniumhq.github.io")# Setup wait for laterwait=WebDriverWait(driver,10)# Store the ID of the original windoworiginal_window=driver.current_window_handle# Check we don't have other windows open alreadyassertlen(driver.window_handles)==1# Click the link which opens in a new windowdriver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT,"new window").click()# Wait for the new window or tabwait.until(EC.number_of_windows_to_be(2))# Loop through until we find a new window handleforwindow_handleindriver.window_handles:ifwindow_handle!=original_window:driver.switch_to.window(window_handle)break# Wait for the new tab to finish loading contentwait.until(EC.title_is("SeleniumHQ Browser Automation"))
//Store the ID of the original windowstringoriginalWindow=driver.CurrentWindowHandle;//Check we don't have other windows open alreadyAssert.AreEqual(driver.WindowHandles.Count,1);//Click the link which opens in a new windowdriver.FindElement(By.LinkText("new window")).Click();//Wait for the new window or tabwait.Until(wd=>wd.WindowHandles.Count==2);//Loop through until we find a new window handleforeach(stringwindowindriver.WindowHandles){if(originalWindow!=window){driver.SwitchTo().Window(window);break;}}//Wait for the new tab to finish loading contentwait.Until(wd=>wd.Title=="Selenium documentation");
# Store the ID of the original windoworiginal_window=driver.window_handle# Check we don't have other windows open alreadyassert(driver.window_handles.length==1,'Expected one window')# Click the link which opens in a new windowdriver.find_element(link:'new window').click# Wait for the new window or tabwait.until{driver.window_handles.length==2}#Loop through until we find a new window handledriver.window_handles.eachdo|handle|ifhandle!=original_windowdriver.switch_to.windowhandlebreakendend#Wait for the new tab to finish loading contentwait.until{driver.title=='Selenium documentation'}
//Store the ID of the original window
constoriginalWindow=awaitdriver.getWindowHandle();//Check we don't have other windows open already
assert((awaitdriver.getAllWindowHandles()).length===1);//Click the link which opens in a new window
awaitdriver.findElement(By.linkText('new window')).click();//Wait for the new window or tab
awaitdriver.wait(async()=>(awaitdriver.getAllWindowHandles()).length===2,10000);//Loop through until we find a new window handle
constwindows=awaitdriver.getAllWindowHandles();windows.forEach(asynchandle=>{if(handle!==originalWindow){awaitdriver.switchTo().window(handle);}});//Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
awaitdriver.wait(until.titleIs('Selenium documentation'),10000);
//Store the ID of the original window
valoriginalWindow=driver.getWindowHandle()//Check we don't have other windows open already
assert(driver.getWindowHandles().size()===1)//Click the link which opens in a new window
driver.findElement(By.linkText("new window")).click()//Wait for the new window or tab
wait.until(numberOfWindowsToBe(2))//Loop through until we find a new window handle
for(windowHandleindriver.getWindowHandles()){if(!originalWindow.contentEquals(windowHandle)){driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle)break}}//Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
wait.until(titleIs("Selenium documentation"))
Create new window (or) new tab and switch
Creates a new window (or) tab and will focus the new window or tab on screen.
You don’t need to switch to work with the new window (or) tab. If you have more than two windows
(or) tabs opened other than the new window, you can loop over both windows or tabs that WebDriver can see,
and switch to the one which is not the original.
Note: This feature works with Selenium 4 and later versions.
// Opens a new tab and switches to new tab
driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.TAB);// Opens a new window and switches to new window
# Opens a new tab and switches to new tabdriver.switch_to.new_window('tab')# Opens a new window and switches to new windowdriver.switch_to.new_window('window')
// Opens a new tab and switches to new tabdriver.SwitchTo().NewWindow(WindowType.Tab)// Opens a new window and switches to new windowdriver.SwitchTo().NewWindow(WindowType.Window)
# Note: The new_window in ruby only opens a new tab (or) Window and will not switch automatically# The user has to switch to new tab (or) new window# Opens a new tab and switches to new tabdriver.manage.new_window(:tab)# Opens a new window and switches to new windowdriver.manage.new_window(:window)
// Opens a new tab and switches to new tab
awaitdriver.switchTo().newWindow('tab');// Opens a new window and switches to new window
// Opens a new tab and switches to new tab
driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.TAB)// Opens a new window and switches to new window
Closing a window or tab
When you are finished with a window or tab and it is not the
last window or tab open in your browser, you should close it and switch
back to the window you were using previously. Assuming you followed the
code sample in the previous section you will have the previous window
handle stored in a variable. Put this together and you will get:
//Close the tab or window
driver.close();//Switch back to the old tab or window
#Close the tab or windowdriver.close()#Switch back to the old tab or windowdriver.switch_to.window(original_window)
//Close the tab or windowdriver.Close();//Switch back to the old tab or windowdriver.SwitchTo().Window(originalWindow);
#Close the tab or windowdriver.close#Switch back to the old tab or windowdriver.switch_to.windoworiginal_window
//Close the tab or window
awaitdriver.close();//Switch back to the old tab or window
//Close the tab or window
driver.close()//Switch back to the old tab or window
Forgetting to switch back to another window handle after closing a
window will leave WebDriver executing on the now closed page, and will
trigger a No Such Window Exception. You must switch
back to a valid window handle in order to continue execution.
Quitting the browser at the end of a session
When you are finished with the browser session you should call quit,
instead of close:
Quit will:
Close all the windows and tabs associated with that WebDriver
Close the browser process
Close the background driver process
Notify Selenium Grid that the browser is no longer in use so it can
be used by another session (if you are using Selenium Grid)
Failure to call quit will leave extra background processes and ports
running on your machine which could cause you problems later.
Some test frameworks offer methods and annotations which you can hook
into to tear down at the end of a test.
* Example using JUnit
* https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/api/org/junit/jupiter/api/AfterAll.html
Example using Visual Studio's UnitTesting
* Example using Mocha
* https://mochajs.org/#hooks
*/after('Tear down',asyncfunction(){awaitdriver.quit();});
* Example using JUnit
* https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/api/org/junit/jupiter/api/AfterAll.html
If not running WebDriver in a test context, you may consider using
try / finally which is offered by most languages so that an exception
will still clean up the WebDriver session.
Python’s WebDriver now supports the python context manager,
which when using the with keyword can automatically quit the driver at
the end of execution.
withwebdriver.Firefox()asdriver:# WebDriver code here...# WebDriver will automatically quit after indentation
Window management
Screen resolution can impact how your web application renders, so
WebDriver provides mechanisms for moving and resizing the browser
Get window size
Fetches the size of the browser window in pixels.
//Access each dimension individually
intwidth=driver.manage().window().getSize().getWidth();intheight=driver.manage().window().getSize().getHeight();//Or store the dimensions and query them later
# Access each dimension individuallywidth=driver.get_window_size().get("width")height=driver.get_window_size().get("height")# Or store the dimensions and query them latersize=driver.get_window_size()width1=size.get("width")height1=size.get("height")
//Access each dimension individuallyintwidth=driver.Manage().Window.Size.Width;intheight=driver.Manage().Window.Size.Height;//Or store the dimensions and query them laterSystem.Drawing.Sizesize=driver.Manage().Window.Size;intwidth1=size.Width;intheight1=size.Height;
# Access each dimension individuallywidth=driver.manage.window.size.widthheight=driver.manage.window.size.height# Or store the dimensions and query them latersize=driver.manage.window.sizewidth1=size.widthheight1=size.height
// Access each dimension individually
const{width,height}=awaitdriver.manage().window().getRect();// Or store the dimensions and query them later
//Access each dimension individually
valwidth=driver.manage().window().size.widthvalheight=driver.manage().window().size.height//Or store the dimensions and query them later
Fetches the coordinates of the top left coordinate of the browser window.
// Access each dimension individually
intx=driver.manage().window().getPosition().getX();inty=driver.manage().window().getPosition().getY();// Or store the dimensions and query them later
# Access each dimension individuallyx=driver.get_window_position().get('x')y=driver.get_window_position().get('y')# Or store the dimensions and query them laterposition=driver.get_window_position()x1=position.get('x')y1=position.get('y')
//Access each dimension individuallyintx=driver.Manage().Window.Position.X;inty=driver.Manage().Window.Position.Y;//Or store the dimensions and query them laterPointposition=driver.Manage().Window.Position;intx1=position.X;inty1=position.Y;
#Access each dimension individuallyx=driver.manage.window.position.xy=driver.manage.window.position.y# Or store the dimensions and query them laterrect=driver.manage.window.rectx1=rect.xy1=rect.y
// Access each dimension individually
const{x,y}=awaitdriver.manage().window().getRect();// Or store the dimensions and query them later
// Access each dimension individually
valx=driver.manage().window().position.xvaly=driver.manage().window().position.y// Or store the dimensions and query them later
Set window position
Moves the window to the chosen position.
// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
# Move the window to the top left of the primary monitordriver.set_window_position(0,0)
// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitordriver.Manage().Window.Position=newPoint(0,0);
// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
Maximize window
Enlarges the window. For most operating systems, the window will fill
the screen, without blocking the operating system’s own menus and
Minimize window
Minimizes the window of current browsing context.
The exact behavior of this command is specific to
individual window managers.
Minimize Window typically hides the window in the system tray.
Note: This feature works with Selenium 4 and later versions.
Fullscreen window
Fills the entire screen, similar to pressing F11 in most browsers.
Used to capture screenshot for current browsing context.
The WebDriver endpoint screenshot
returns screenshot which is encoded in Base64 format.
fromseleniumimportwebdriverdriver=webdriver.Chrome()driver.get("http://www.example.com")# Returns and base64 encoded string into imagedriver.save_screenshot('./image.png')driver.quit()
usingOpenQA.Selenium;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;vardriver=newChromeDriver();driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("http://www.example.com");Screenshotscreenshot=(driverasITakesScreenshot).GetScreenshot();screenshot.SaveAsFile("screenshot.png",ScreenshotImageFormat.Png);// Format values are Bmp, Gif, Jpeg, Png, Tiff
require'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://example.com/'# Takes and Stores the screenshot in specified pathdriver.save_screenshot('./image.png')end
Used to capture screenshot of an element for current browsing context.
The WebDriver endpoint screenshot
returns screenshot which is encoded in Base64 format.
fromseleniumimportwebdriverfromselenium.webdriver.common.byimportBydriver=webdriver.Chrome()driver.get("http://www.example.com")ele=driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,'h1')# Returns and base64 encoded string into imageele.screenshot('./image.png')driver.quit()
usingOpenQA.Selenium;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;usingOpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;// Webdrivervardriver=newChromeDriver();driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("http://www.example.com");// Fetch element using FindElementvarwebElement=driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("h1"));// Screenshot for the elementvarelementScreenshot=(webElementasITakesScreenshot).GetScreenshot();elementScreenshot.SaveAsFile("screenshot_of_element.png");
# Works with Selenium4-alpha7 Ruby bindings and aboverequire'selenium-webdriver'driver=Selenium::WebDriver.for:chromebegindriver.get'https://example.com/'ele=driver.find_element(:css,'h1')# Takes and Stores the element screenshot in specified pathele.save_screenshot('./image.jpg')end
const{Builder,By}=require('selenium-webdriver');letfs=require('fs');(asyncfunctionexample(){letdriver=awaitnewBuilder().forBrowser('chrome').build();awaitdriver.get('https://www.example.com');letele=awaitdriver.findElement(By.css("h1"));// Captures the element screenshot
Executes JavaScript code snippet in the
current context of a selected frame or window.
//Creating the JavascriptExecutor interface object by Type casting
JavascriptExecutorjs=(JavascriptExecutor)driver;//Button Element
WebElementbutton=driver.findElement(By.name("btnLogin"));//Executing JavaScript to click on element
js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();",button);//Get return value from script
Stringtext=(String)js.executeScript("return arguments[0].innerText",button);//Executing JavaScript directly
js.executeScript("console.log('hello world')");
# Stores the header elementheader=driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,"h1")# Executing JavaScript to capture innerText of header elementdriver.execute_script('return arguments[0].innerText',header)
//creating Chromedriver instanceIWebDriverdriver=newChromeDriver();//Creating the JavascriptExecutor interface object by Type castingIJavaScriptExecutorjs=(IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;//Button ElementIWebElementbutton=driver.FindElement(By.Name("btnLogin"));//Executing JavaScript to click on elementjs.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();",button);//Get return value from scriptStringtext=(String)js.ExecuteScript("return arguments[0].innerText",button);//Executing JavaScript directlyjs.ExecuteScript("console.log('hello world')");
# Stores the header elementheader=driver.find_element(css:'h1')# Get return value from scriptresult=driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].innerText",header)# Executing JavaScript directlydriver.execute_script("alert('hello world')")
// Stores the header element
letheader=awaitdriver.findElement(By.css('h1'));// Executing JavaScript to capture innerText of header element
lettext=awaitdriver.executeScript('return arguments[0].innerText',header);
// Stores the header element
valheader=driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("h1"))// Get return value from script
valresult=driver.executeScript("return arguments[0].innerText",header)// Executing JavaScript directly
driver.executeScript("alert('hello world')")
Print Page
Prints the current page within the browser.
Note: This requires Chromium Browsers to be in headless mode
Web applications can enable a public key-based authentication mechanism known as Web Authentication to authenticate users in a passwordless manner.
Web Authentication defines APIs that allows a user to create a public-key credential and register it with an authenticator.
An authenticator can be a hardware device or a software entity that stores user’s public-key credentials and retrieves them on request.
As the name suggests, Virtual Authenticator emulates such authenticators for testing.
Virtual Authenticator Options
A Virtual Authenticatior has a set of properties.
These properties are mapped as VirtualAuthenticatorOptions in the Selenium bindings.