Selenium supports automation of all the major browsers in the market
through the use of WebDriver.
WebDriver is an API and protocol that defines a language-neutral interface
for controlling the behaviour of web browsers.
Each browser is backed by a specific WebDriver implementation, called a driver.
The driver is the component responsible for delegating down to the browser,
and handles communication to and from Selenium and the browser.
This separation is part of a conscious effort to have browser vendors
take responsibility for the implementation for their browsers.
Selenium makes use of these third party drivers where possible,
but also provides its own drivers maintained by the project
for the cases when this is not a reality.
The Selenium framework ties all of these pieces together
through a user-facing interface that enables the different browser backends
to be used transparently,
enabling cross-browser and cross-platform automation.
Selenium setup is quite different from the setup of other commercial tools.
Before you can start writing Selenium code, you have to
install the language bindings libraries for your language of choice, the browser you
want to use, and the driver for that browser.
Follow the links below to get up and going with Selenium WebDriver.
If you wish to start with a low-code/record and playback tool, please check
Selenium IDE
Once you get things working, if you want to scale up your tests, check out the
Selenium Grid.
1 - Install a Selenium library
Setting up the Selenium library for your favourite programming language.
First you need to install the Selenium bindings for your automation project.
The installation process for libraries depends on the language you choose to use.
Make sure you check the Selenium downloads page to make sure
you are using the latest version.
Further items of note for using Visual Studio Code (vscode) and C#
Install the compatible .NET SDK as per the section above.
Also install the vscode extensions (Ctrl-Shift-X) for C# and NuGet.
Follow the instruction here
to create and run the “Hello World” console project using C#.
You may also create a NUnit starter project using the command line dotnet new NUnit.
Make sure the file %appdata%\NuGet\nuget.config is configured properly as some developers reported that it will be empty due to some issues.
If nuget.config is empty, or not configured properly, then .NET builds will fail for Selenium Projects.
Add the following section to the file nuget.config if it is empty:
For more info about nuget.configclick here.
You may have to customize nuget.config to meet you needs.
Now, go back to vscode, press Ctrl-Shift-P, and type “NuGet Add Package”, and enter the required Selenium packages such as Selenium.WebDriver.
Press Enter and select the version.
Now you can use the examples in the documentation related to C# with vscode.
You can see the minimum required version of Ruby for any given Selenium version
Note: if you get an error about drivers not found, please read about troubleshooting the
driver location error
Eight Basic Components
Everything Selenium does is send the browser commands to do something or send requests for information.
Most of what you’ll do with Selenium is a combination of these basic commands:
1. Start the session
For more details on starting a session read our documentation on driver sessions
Synchronizing the code with the current state of the browser is one of the biggest challenges
with Selenium, and doing it well is an advanced topic.
Essentially you want to make sure that the element is on the page before you attempt to locate it
and the element is in an interactable state before you attempt to interact with it.
An implicit wait is rarely the best solution, but it’s the easiest to demonstrate here, so
we’ll use it as a placeholder.
If you are using Selenium for testing,
you will want to execute your Selenium code using test runner tools.
Many of the code examples in this documentation can be found in our example repositories.
There are multiple options in each language, but here is what we are using in our examples:
// Add instructions
// Add instructions
Install Mocha Test runner using below command in your terminal
Install with npm globally:
npm install -g mocha
or as a development dependency for your project:
npm install --save-dev mocha
and run your tests using below command
mocha firstScript.spec.js
// Add instructions
Next Steps
Take what you’ve learned and build out your Selenium code.
As you find more functionality that you need, read up on the rest of our
WebDriver documentation.
3 - Upgrade to Selenium 4
Are you still using Selenium 3? This guide will help you upgrade to the latest release!
Upgrading to Selenium 4 should be a painless process if you are using one of the officially
supported languages (Ruby, JavaScript, C#, Python, and Java). There might be some cases where
a few issues can happen, and this guide will help you to sort them out. We will go through
the steps to upgrade your project dependencies and understand the major deprecations and
changes the version upgrade brings.
These are the steps we will follow to upgrade to Selenium 4:
Preparing our test code
Upgrading dependencies
Potential errors and deprecation messages
Note: while Selenium 3.x versions were being developed, support for the W3C WebDriver standard
was implemented. Both this new protocol and the legacy JSON Wire Protocol were supported. Around
version 3.11, Selenium code became compliant with the level W3C 1 specification. The W3C compliant
code in the latest version of Selenium 3 will work as expected in Selenium 4.
Preparing our test code
Selenium 4 removes support for the legacy protocol and uses the W3C WebDriver standard by
default under the hood. For most things, this implementation will not affect end users.
The major exceptions are Capabilities and the Actions class.
If the test capabilities are not structured to be W3C compliant, may cause a session to not
be started. Here is the list of W3C WebDriver standard capabilities:
browserVersion (replaces version)
platformName (replaces platform)
An up-to-date list of standard capabilities can be found at
W3C WebDriver.
Any capability that is not contained in the list above, needs to include a vendor prefix.
This applies to browser specific capabilities as well as cloud vendor specific capabilities.
For example, if your cloud vendor uses build and name capabilities for your tests, you need
to wrap them in a cloud:options block (check with your cloud vendor for the appropriate prefix).
The utility methods to find elements in the Java bindings (FindsBy interfaces) have been removed
as they were meant for internal use only. The following code samples explain this better.
Check the subsections below to install Selenium 4 and have your project dependencies upgraded.
The process of upgrading Selenium depends on which build tool is being used. We will cover the
most common ones for Java, which are Maven and
Gradle. The minimum Java version required is still 8.
<dependencies><!-- more dependencies ... --><dependency><groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId><artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId><version>3.141.59</version></dependency><!-- more dependencies ... --></dependencies>
<dependencies><!-- more dependencies ... --><dependency><groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId><artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId><version>4.4.0</version></dependency><!-- more dependencies ... --></dependencies>
After making the change, you could execute mvn clean compile on the same directory where the
pom.xml file is.
plugins {
id 'java'
group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
dependencies {
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0'
implementation group: 'org.seleniumhq.selenium', name: 'selenium-java', version: '3.141.59'
test {
plugins {
id 'java'
group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
dependencies {
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0'
implementation group: 'org.seleniumhq.selenium', name: 'selenium-java', version: '4.4.0'
test {
After making the change, you could execute ./gradlew clean build
on the same directory where the build.gradle file is.
To check all the Java releases, you can head to MVNRepository.
The place to get updates for Selenium 4 in C# is NuGet. Under the
Selenium.WebDriver package you
can get the instructions to update to the latest version. Inside of Visual Studio, through the
NuGet Package Manager you can execute:
The most important change to use Python is the minimum required version. Selenium 4 will
require a minimum Python 3.7 or higher. More details can be found at the
Python Package Index. To upgrade from the
command line, you can execute:
pip install selenium==4.4.3
The update details for Selenium 4 can be seen at the
gem in RubyGems. To install the latest version, you can execute:
gem install selenium-webdriver
To add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 4.4.0'
The selenium-webdriver package can be found at the Node package manager,
npmjs. Selenium 4 can be found
here. To install it, you
could either execute:
Waits are also expecting different parameters now. WebDriverWait is now expecting a Duration
instead of a long for timeout in seconds and milliseconds. The withTimeout and pollingEvery
utility methods from FluentWait have switched from expecting (long time, TimeUnit unit) to
expect (Duration duration).
Merging capabilities is no longer changing the calling object
It was possible to merge a different set of capabilities into another set, and it was
mutating the calling object. Now, the result of the merge operation needs to be assigned.
MutableCapabilitiescapabilities=newMutableCapabilities();capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion","Windows 10");FirefoxOptionsoptions=newFirefoxOptions();options.setHeadless(true);options.merge(capabilities);// As a result, the `options` object was getting modified.
MutableCapabilitiescapabilities=newMutableCapabilities();capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion","Windows 10");FirefoxOptionsoptions=newFirefoxOptions();options.setHeadless(true);options=options.merge(capabilities);// The result of the `merge` call needs to be assigned to an object.
Firefox Legacy
Before GeckoDriver was around, the Selenium project had a driver implementation to automate
Firefox (version <48). However, this implementation is not needed anymore as it does not work
in recent versions of Firefox. To avoid major issues when upgrading to Selenium 4, the setLegacy
option will be shown as deprecated. The recommendation is to stop using the old implementation
and rely only on GeckoDriver. The following code will show the setLegacy line deprecated after
Instead of it, AddAdditionalOption is recommended. Here is an example showing this:
var browserOptions = new ChromeOptions();
browserOptions.PlatformName = "Windows 10";
browserOptions.BrowserVersion = "latest";
var cloudOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
browserOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("cloud:options", cloudOptions, true);
var browserOptions = new ChromeOptions();
browserOptions.PlatformName = "Windows 10";
browserOptions.BrowserVersion = "latest";
var cloudOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
browserOptions.AddAdditionalOption("cloud:options", cloudOptions);
executable_path has been deprecated, please pass in a Service object
In Selenium 4, you’ll need to set the driver’s executable_path from a Service object to prevent deprecation warnings. (Or don’t set the path and instead make sure that the driver you need is on the System PATH.)
We went through the major changes to be taken into consideration when upgrading to Selenium 4.
Covering the different aspects to cover when test code is prepared for the upgrade, including
suggestions on how to prevent potential issues that can show up when using the new version of
Selenium. To finalize, we also covered a set of possible issues that you can bump into after
upgrading, and we shared potential fixes for those issues.